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Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression In Laguna Hills

Premier Chiropractic

Sean Rundle, D.C.

Chiropractor located in Orange County, Laguna Hills, CA

Spinal decompression therapy is a natural way to treat a variety of health problems, including chronic lower back pain, herniated or bulging discs, sciatica, and other conditions that affect the spine. Premier Chiropractic is proud to offer spinal decompression therapy, a non-surgical treatment of the lower back, upper back, and neck injuries so that you can heal and resume your active lifestyle.

Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Q & A

What is Decompression Therapy?

Triton DTS® Therapy utilizes advancements in traction technology to help deliver a solution in the nonsurgical treatment of spinal conditions due to muscle spasm, nerve root impingement related to compression and alignment. 

Spinal distraction has also been used as a treatment option to help relieve back and neck pain due to herniated, bulging or protruding discs associated with various spine injuries or age-related back pain.

The gentle stretch delivered by the Triton DTS® can help to reduce pressure on the intervertebral disc, relieve compression and irritation of the nerve roots and improves spine alignment.


What does it feel like to be treated on the Triton DTS?

The Triton DTS® helps to deliver a smooth comfortable distraction to the low back or cervical spine while patients are lying comfortably on the treatment table. 

Therapy sessions last anywhere from 10-15 minutes and in many cases the patient is unaware of the therapy pull forces until the treatment is over. 

Triton DTS® therapy is a very gentle form of Traction Therapy .

Our clinical team will determine the number of treatments based on your individual needs and schedule 
based on your availability.


What are clinical indications for decompression therapy?

The Triton DTS® device provides traction and mobilization of skeletal structures and skeletal muscles. The Triton traction device may be used to help relieve peripheral radiation/sciatica and pain associated with:
 • Protruding discs
 • Bulging discs
 • Herniated discs
 • Degenerative disc disease
 • Posterior facet syndrome
 • Acute facet problems
 • Radicular pain
 • Prolapsed discs
 • Spinal root impingement
 • Hypomobility
 • Degenerative joint disease
 • Facet syndrome
 • Compressions fracture
 • Joint pain
 • Discogenic pain